A Brief History of Programming Languages

Programmers are very important in the game industry. You can’t do without them. And what do they need to know? Programming languages, of course. That’s how the code is written. They are a powerful tool in the field. So prior to defining a difference between software engineering and computer science, let’s activate our time machine and go back to the beginning and find out what was written long before C++ and Python. The basics and a bit of history … Continue reading

Android App Development: Advantages and Disadvantages of the Profession

Mobile app development for Android is trending in the job market. The Google Play Store releases about 3,000 new products every day! And this is a good reason to master the skills of a developer on a popular platform. Employment in this specialization is guaranteed, without a doubt. To be sure, look at the section with orders for this direction on LinkedIn. And although the age of Android has been a dozen years, most devices continue to work on the well-known system. And the demand for developer services is still stable. But is everything so rosy in this profession? Is it worth mastering it to create an app that brings pictures to life, and what disadvantages are present in it? Let’s find out.… Continue reading